Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

The Most Effective Spa Treatments

Everyone loves going to the spa.  It makes us feel better and be healthier.  Simply stated, going to the spa for a variety of treatments… Continue Reading

Vata Dosha and Life Balance

Ayurveda (the science from which yoga stems from), contains three main constitutions (or doshas) which form the philosophy: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata dosha (the king of all the… Continue Reading

Energy Medicine For Chronic Fatigue, Joint Pain, Stress and Depression

Mary Ann was experiencing chronic fatigue and joint pain.  At her first appointment for energy medicine or biofield healing, she presents looking tired and depressed. … Continue Reading

Your Mind and Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy, a method of using hypnosis as a therapeutic process, thought to date back thousands of years to ancient India for cures using yoga nidra… Continue Reading

Complementary and Alternative Methods

Complementary and alternative methods of healthcare, also known as CAM, has not just been a buzz topic for the past couple of years, as history… Continue Reading

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: What Don’t We Know

Does this title get your attention?  Let’s see how all this is connected. What do we know that which…? We know that we know We… Continue Reading

Ayurveda As Alternative Medicine

People say that Ayurvedic medicine and natural medicine are “alternative medicine”, and while it is alternative to our Western culture’s medicinal institution, Ayurveda is the… Continue Reading

Chronic Stress: How Acupuncture Can Help

Stress is a natural response of the body, intended to help us overcome temporary threats or hurtles. This is why the stress response is often… Continue Reading

Choosing an Integrative Health Practitioner

What is an integrative health practitioner? Someone who combines evidence-based health knowledge with creativity in their practice.  Today there are many schools of thought and… Continue Reading

The Feldenkrais Method Can Help You Feel Better

The Feldenkrais Method® is a form of movement re-education that can help you feel better. It is good for everyone, but most people who seek… Continue Reading

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