Healing Touch of Washington DC
Healing Touch of Washington DC
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Herndon, VA 20171
More Complementary Health Articles
Choosing an Integrative Health Practitioner
What is an integrative health practitioner? Someone who combines evidence-based health knowledge with creativity in their practice. Today there are many schools of thought and credentials, or perhaps exotic or no credentials, from energy medicine to “traditional” medicine, as endorsed by the American Medical Association and other professional organizations.
There is much conflicting information in the news today about what works and what doesn’t. The truth is, responsible practitioners determine and respect individual differences. The bottom line is: You are the one who must decide what works for you. This is the empowerment model of healthcare: the two way model of partnership and empowerment in healthcare. We all have much in common and individual differences based on genetics, environments and trauma experienced.
Here are some guidelines to use in choosing a practitioner:
1. Did someone get help from them that worked for them and is your issue similar to theirs? If so, did it help you when you went?
2. Are their credentials from a credible organization with national standards, ethics and scope of practice?
3. Does their credentialing organization include required continuing education to re-certify?
4. What do their skill sets include? Is it what you are looking for?
5. Do they do a careful assessment before distributing advice or prescribing?
6. Be careful with any health practitioners who make claims for instant cures and resolution of longstanding health problems.
7. Trust your gut and your head … right and left brain. How do you feel with the practitioner? Think and feel. Get in touch with your body and how it responds to everything you do hear, see, feel, smell, taste … live with all your senses.
8. Research your issues online. It’s also helpful to receive the Harvard and Mayo Clinic health newsletters.
9. Keep records of your heath issues including a diary of when, what and where issues come up. You are the one who knows you best.
10. When in doubt, if you see or experience something unusual in your health, check it out. See someone you trust until you get the answers you need.
Practice self-care as a priority, and do your research, and you will achieve the best health you can for whatever you choose to do on this beautiful Earth.