Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

ChiroThin™ Weight Loss Program

The number of people in the United States that are overweight or obese has reached near epidemic portions. Every day patients are treated who are… Continue Reading

Laser Kinesiology and Inflammation

So many diseases, including fibromyalgia, heart disease, depression, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and all autoimmune diseases (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis) occur over time and are very slow to… Continue Reading

The Truth About Chiropractic

Instead of prescribing drugs or performing surgeries, chiropractors use manual treatments of the spine and joints, exercise therapy, massage, trigger point therapy and lifestyle changes… Continue Reading

Chiropractic and TMJ

Chiropractic care is very popular for those seeking relief from common maladies such as back pain, neck pain and headaches. But, did you know that… Continue Reading

The Aftermath Of Auto Accidents

An entire whiplash injury occurs in about one tenth of a second essentially the blink of an eye. But in that time, the human head… Continue Reading

Chiropractic Healthcare

When discussing alternative medicine, it is impossible to ignore the efficacy of Chiropractic. Chiropractic was founded in 1895 and ever since has grown into a… Continue Reading

What Is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic care focuses on properly aligning the body's structures primarily the spine to allow for natural, surgery-free healing. A chiropractor's goal is not to give… Continue Reading

Type 2 Diabetes Causes and Solutions

Diabetes is a chronic disorder marked by increased blood sugar. Type 1 (juvenile or insulin-dependent) diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin…. Continue Reading

You Gotta Have Heart

For the last 24 years, the Association of Chiropractic Colleges has sponsored the premiere conference on chiropractic research and education. Case studies of more unusual… Continue Reading

Healthy Habits This New Year

Roughly one-third of Americans say they have made aNew Year's resolution to lose weight in the last five years. Are you determined to meet your… Continue Reading

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