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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Eric Horne, DC
What Is Chiropractic?
Horne Chiropractic Center
. http://www.hornechiropracticcenter.com/

What Is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic care focuses on properly aligning the body's structures primarily the spine to allow for natural, surgery-free healing. A chiropractor's goal is not to give patients drugs so they don't feel pain, but to discover the source of the pain and correct the problem.

The nervous system controls all of the body's functions and depends on the vertebrae in your spine to protect it. When your vertebrae are out of line, they can prohibit optimal operation of the nervous system, which can lead to various physical problems.

Chiropractic treatments are incredibly safe actually, they're one of the safest kinds of medical care available. And your chiropractor has studied extensively to fully understand the body's systems. The chiropractic-training program is comparable to the program of study for medical doctors. According to the American Chiropractic Association, more than 30 million people visited doctors of chiropractic last year for a variety of conditions, and more and more medical doctors are referring their patients to doctors of chiropractic.

In addition to preventative and wellness care, chiropractic can be used to treat allergies, headaches, lower back pain, fibromyalgia, neck and shoulder pain, numbness, leg pain, scoliosis, and other health issues.

Five Wellness Tips

In between your visits to your chiropractor, there are a lot of things you can do to keep your body especially your back healthy. If this sounds familiar well, we've been talking to your mother. Just so happens she was right

Sit up straight. Develop the habit of good posture. It makes a world of difference in the way your back feels.

Eat your vegetables. A good diet is important to your overall health all those nutrients help your body repair itself. And, you want to keep your weight down. Carrying extra weight puts extra strain on the back.

Turn off the TV. Get up and move. Go for a walk. Add exercise to your regular routine. And when you have to sit for long periods, stretch regularly.

Put that down. Don't lift things that are too heavy for you. (And if you have to, you know what they say lift with your legs, not your back.)

Don't carry around a backpack stuffed full of books (especially not on one shoulder) or a heavy bag if you can avoid it. The key is to minimize. Only take what you really need.

Go to sleep. Sleep is essential for your wellbeing. Just don't sleep on your stomach, which can strain the muscles in your neck and back.

Practice sleeping on your side or back.

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