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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
William A. Cox, DC
Women and Chiropractic Care
Allegiance Chiropractic

Women and Chiropractic Care

During pregnancy, a woman's body goes through many physiological changes in order to provide an ideal environment for the developing baby. As most people know, pregnancy can be physically uncomfortable for the mother. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective treatment for easing the discomfort experienced during pregnancy and can also aid in labor.

Chiropractic is the art of detecting and correcting misalignments of the spine and the adjacent structures of the body. When left untreated, these misalignments cause unnecessary stress on the body, thus triggering inflammation and pain. Once a misalignment or joint restriction has been discovered, a Chiropractor will then administer a specific adjustment to the area, thus realigning the joint and freeing any restrictions in the joint's range of motion.

As pregnancy progresses, a mother's body is confronted with ever-increasing physical demands. The protruding abdomen results in an increased lumbar (lower back) curvature. There are also changes in the mother's pelvis that occur to accommodate the growing baby. The physical changes to a mother's body result in postural adaptations, altering the way she must stand, sit and lay. All of these changes can result in misaligned or restricted joints that contribute to a mother's discomfort.

Chiropractic can help with more than just the alleviation of aches and pains brought on by pregnancy. If a mother's pelvis is misaligned, there is a possibility that the pelvic bowl where the uterus resides becomes constricted. In preparation for birth, the fetus must turn so that its head is down. If the pelvis is misaligned or the ligaments of the uterus are not relaxed, a fetus may not have ample space to turn. This results in a fetus being in a breech position. Many breech babies must be delivered via Caesarian section.

However, there is a chiropractic procedure that has been demonstrated to be successful in helping a baby turn naturally. This technique is known as the Webster Breech Technique. With the utilization of chiropractic manipulation of the pelvis and gentle manual relaxation of the ligaments surrounding the uterus, chiropractors are able to provide more room for the fetus to naturally turn.

As exciting and wonderful as pregnancy can be, the physical changes a mother experiences can cause her much discomfort and can complicate her pregnancy. Chiropractic is a safe and effective approach to easing the effects of these changes and helping a mother enjoy this special time.
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