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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Holly Dunbar, CMT, RH (AGH)
Why Every Mother Needs a Massage
New Moon Body Work and Botanicals
. http://www.newmoonbody.com

Why Every Mother Needs a Massage

In the month of May we celebrate mothers, what better way to celebrate than treating them with a massage that can meet their unique needs in a number of ways.

Massage is a healing treatment that can address acute and chronic injuries, and maintain good health.

Massage can be beneficial in the stages of pregnancy, childbirth, post-partum, and beyond! A pregnant body bears tremendous changes in just nine short months. Extra weight gained in this short period can strain the lower back and upper back, and cause achiness in the legs and feet. Ligaments in preparation for childbirth can become lax and cause instability for surrounding joints. While all this is normal, try telling that to the woman carrying the load! Massage therapy can offer much relief by increasing blood flow to cramped areas, stimulating endorphins and other “feel good” hormones, and simply relaxing the woman, which often helps with breathlessness as well.

Labor massage is a specialized massage that eases labor by easing muscle spasms, pain, and providing focus through intense phases. Massage during labor, like other natural practices such as movement, water birth, and use of imagery, may shorten the duration and lessen the need for interventions.

The post-partum stage of motherhood may be particularly challenging in the first couple of months due to hormone fluctuations, sleep deprivation, and general adjustments to caring for a new life. Massage can offer a nurturing outlet that reminds her to take care of herself, which ultimately benefits the entire family.

While these initial stages are challenging, the stress of juggling career and family, putting the family's needs first, and attempting to retain some sense of self are the enduring challenges of motherhood. Give yourself permission to take care of yourself. Massage therapy is healthcare, not pampering, and the healthy and relaxed Mom is a gift to the whole family.

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