Kneaded Touch of Professional Massage
12650 Lake Ridge Drive
Woodbridge, VA 22192
(703) 494-7699
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What Is Energy Medicine/Healing?
Energy medicine has been around since ancient times even though the term “energy medicine” is relatively new. There are many energy medicine systems, i.e. the following acupuncture, acupressure, Body Talk, Accunect Connect, Donna Eden's Energy Medicine, Touch for Health, Craniosacral Therapy, Homeopathy, Bach Flower Remedies, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Reiki, Quantum Entrainment (QE), and the list goes on and on. What all of these healing modalities have in common is the knowledge that our universe is made up of an intricate and complex field of energy, which is mirrored in our individual bodies and can be manipulated in such a way to promote healing.
In acupuncture and acupressure the therapist stimulates specific points on meridians, which are energy pathways that run both along the surface of the skin, and deep into the body, to promote balance and take away pain. In Accunect Connect and Body Talk System, the practitioner uses a procedure chart to direct a healing intention, then with tapping or certain hand positions stimulates healing on all levels, i.e. physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. In something like Homeopathy or Bach Flower Remedies, just the essence or vibration of a substance is used to promote healing. In Reiki the practitioner uses the perception of their hands to feel the chakras, which are located along the brain and spinal cord of the body, to promote healing.
Some people can see energy and can differentiate several energy systems within the human body and auric field. Donna Eden names 9 such subtle energy systems in her book Energy Medicine. According to energy practitioners, understanding how to work with these various systems can have profound and lasting effects for the clients they serve. Sometimes subtle changes happen in the body and sometime dramatic changes happen. It is, however, always recommended to continue under a physician's care for more serious illnesses such as cancer, heart conditions, or diabetes, while also strengthening your energy body and making lifestyle changes.
In seeking out an Energy Medicine/Healing practitioner, find someone who has completed their training in a specific modality and is able to explain to you how you might be helped by their work. Understand that healing work is very individual and is a process of getting a clear picture of what is happening to cause “dis-ease” in the body. Energy medicine is the most non-invasive way to begin a healing process.
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