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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
J. Kenneth Bowman, DC
Understanding Chiropractic Care, Health and Wellness
J. Kenneth Bowman D.C., LTD
. http://www.jkennethbowmandc.com

Understanding Chiropractic Care, Health and Wellness

Many people have back pain and spinal dysfunction. In order to know which treatment will work best for you it is important to know as much as you can about each one. I will focus on chiropractic care.

Chiropractic involves manipulating the spine to try to get it functioning normally and naturally. Since it does not include the use of drugs or surgery it is considered by many to be natural healing.

For many conditions and many musculoskeletal injuries chiropractic has been shown to provide an efficient method of regaining normal function, plus it promotes spinal health and wellness for a healthy and fit body.

The primary treatment for many cases of spinal dysfunction, including subluxated, fixed or misaligned vertebra, is spinal manipulation or vertebral adjustment. This is a technique where pressure is applied to a spinal area or other joint. A proper, corrective spinal adjustment can result in reduced inflammation and nerve impingement as well as restored function in the injured area.

In addition to spinal manipulation, your chiropractor may recommend physical therapy, including ultrasound, heat, cold or electronic stimulation. You can usually count on your chiropractor to suggest rehabilitative and strengthening exercises, proper nutrition and life style changes to promote health.

There have been a number of recent research studies that describe the efficacy of chiropractic.

The Manga Study The Ministry of Health, Government of Ontario Canada funded this study that stated that for many conditions, “There is an overwhelming body of evidence indicating that chiropractic management of low back pain is more cost effective than medical management.”

The Duke Study The study was based on a panel of 19 multidisciplinary experts stated, that “Manipulation appeared to result in immediate improvement in headache severity when used to treat episodes of cervicogenic headaches.”

The Boline Study and the Nelson Migraine Study These both described positive results in the treatment and management of certain types of headaches.

The Burton Study This study showed the value of manipulation for the treatment of certain lumbar disc herniation patients. It was shown that for many conditions manipulation produced greater improvement for pain and disability in the first few weeks as well as an “overall financial advantage.”

These studies are helping the scientific community recognize the effectiveness of chiropractic care for many spinal conditions and musculoskeletal injuries. As our health care choices become more diverse and as patients take more responsibility for their health decisions, it is clear that chiropractic may be a good choice for you.

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