Virginia University of Oriental Medicine
9401 Mathy Drive
Fairfax, VA 22031
(703) 323-5691
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Types Of Obesity In Oriental Medicine
There are six types of obesity in oriental medicine.
Qi Deficiency Type
Qi means energy. Qi deficiency means that you are low in energy, causing your body to have the following problems abnormal function in energy consumption, excretion of bodily waste, and a decline in basal metabolic rate.
Accumulation of bodily waste and low energy consumption causes a person to become overweight. We also refer to qi deficiency as qi deficiency of the spleen because in oriental medicine, the spleen is the major organ that controls and governs qi. Qi deficiency of the spleen causes dampness, which is a major factor in the blockage of body circulation.
Yang Deficiency Type
Yang is a broader concept than qi and we can refer to it as energy as well. Yang deficiency also causes an inefficiency of the lipometabolism and body activity – which leads to obesity. Main signs of this type are feeling cold often and having the tendency to catch colds. These people are likely to have dyspepsia, a decline in enthusiasm and excessive fat on their lower abdomen.
Retention Of Food Type
Overeating is the main cause of this type. This leads to malfunction of our digestive system. The food we eat is stored and accumulates in our body, which eventually makes us overweight. These people are likely to have excessive fat on their upper abdomen.
Blood Stasis Type
Poor circulation is the main cause of this type. The reason for poor circulation can vary from person to person but it's mainly because of poor nutrition and low energy. These people are likely to have excessive fat on their lower and upper abdomen. Women of this type will also find that they hold weight after delivery.
Phlegm Type
Phlegm is a bodily waste. If phlegm is not excreted from our body, it can cause edema, fatigue and poor circulation. These people usually have excessive fat on their whole body, edema, and qi deficiency obesity. Joint-related symptoms, yellow-colored face, dizziness, tinnitus, and dark circles underneath the eyes are also signs of this type.
Stress Type
Having lots of stress affects our internal organs, resulting in malfunction. Stress can make this type of person eat more. These people usually have depression and any other mind-related problems. Symptoms can appear through swelling, digestive problems or chest discomfort.
In our next article, I will explore our herbal medication treatment methods for weight management.
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