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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Avram Weinberg, DC
Thyroid Conditions A Functional Approach
Better Health Medical Center

Thyroid Conditions A Functional Approach

A functional approach takes into account biochemical individuality and utilizes a systems-based approach to find the underlying cause of your symptoms.

It is well-known that when the thyroid becomes dysfunctional, certain symptoms will become apparent. What is less clear is which body systems have become dysfunctional, creating your thyroid dysfunction and leading to your thyroid symptoms.

Eliminate or manage the cause and the effect will clear.

The functional approach is to test which system or systems are not functioning optimally and then address the dysfunctions.

Step 1 Consultation to determine proper course of treatment.

Step 2 Examination.

Step 3 Run the necessary Functional Lab Tests to determine the cause or causes of your condition.

Step 4 Apply the correct solution to restore optimal health and resolution of symptoms.

Thyroid-A Functional Approach

If you have been suffering with thyroid symptoms fatigue, weight gain, stomach and digestive problems, mental fog/fatigue, hair loss then chances are you have taken the conventional medical route to handle your problem. This effect-based approach has not changed in over 40 years and relies solely on one lab test to diagnose and treat your condition. This basic test involves only analyzing your TSH levels.

This approach never asks the question of why you are suffering and does not take into account a whole-body approach to care. In other words, what else is making your thyroid unhealthy and not functioning properly?

Put simply, if your TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is out of range, you will be medicated with Thyroid hormone replacements until your TSH is in “normal” range. Regardless of your continued symptoms and the fact that you continue to suffer, your doctor will continue to use the same hormone replacement drugs.

Have your health goals been met by this approach? Only 10% of thyroid sufferers see true results with this type of drug-based medical approach. The other 90% continue to have serious symptoms because their thyroid is under-functioning for reasons unrelated to the thyroid itself.
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