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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Natasha Ryan, ND, Regional Wellness Manager
The Seven Principles Of Naturopathic Medicine
Knowles Apothecary Wellness
. http://www.knowleswellness.com/

The Seven Principles Of Naturopathic Medicine

Whenever I am asked, “what is naturopathic medicine?” my favorite response is that “It is a blending of ancient knowledge with scientific based medicine.” In reality, the term naturopathic medicine can mean many things to many people, but I would like to share the seven fundamental principles that all naturopathic doctors share. Even if we specialize in different modalities such as homeopathy, nutrition, physical medicine or even acupuncture, it is these principles that bind us together as a profession.

Tolle Causum Treat the Cause

Finding the root cause of illness is a fundamental part of naturopathic care medicine. In our fast-paced, stress-filled society, we are often tempted to just treat the symptoms and get better as soon as possible. Although understandable, it is important to take time to understand why illness entered the body in the first place. More and more studies are showing that stress is a major cause of many chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and others. We need to find the cause of our ailments to truly be well.

Vis Meicatrix Naturae – The Healing Power of Nature

Naturopaths believe that the body is inherently intelligent and has the ability to heal itself. It can do this once all obstacles to health are removed and it is given the tools that it needs to heal. Some of these tools may be clean water, sunshine, exercise, proper nutrition and supplementation, love, nurturing, and support.

Primum Non Nocere – Do No Harm

The first priority of any doctor is to do no harm. This is such an important principle that every doctor, whether naturopathic, allopathic or other has to take the Hippocratic Oath which specifically states this. One way in which naturopathic doctors do this is by using the most natural products first before recommending drugs or surgery. Those things have their place within the spectrum of medicine, but naturopathic doctors first explore all natural means of combating illness including preventing it.

Prevention is the Best Cure

Benjamin Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” These are wise words. We should take the necessary steps now to prevent any future misfortune with regard to our health and wellness. A naturopathic doctor can help you map out a plan to ward off any unnecessary illnesses, especially those associated with lifestyle.

Docere Doctor as Teacher

One of my favorite principles is Docere Doctor as Teacher. Everyday I get to share the knowledge that I have acquired throughout my years as a practitioner of naturopathic medicine. I have the opportunity to positively impact the community by helping people make better choices regarding their health the most valuable thing that any of us owns.

Treat the Whole Person

Humans are wonderfully complex beings that are made up of the mind, body and spirit. We tend to focus most of our energy on the physical aspect of ourselves, but to be completely well, all of these aspects must be addressed. Naturopathic doctors are not afraid to acknowledge the importance of the mental and spiritual aspect of health, which often differentiates us from many other medical professionals.

Establish Wellness

One of my favorite definitions of wellness is “an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence.” This definition removes the idea that health and wellbeing are merely the absence of disease. It takes into account things such as your finances, your surroundings, relationships and many more things that can have an effect on your health.

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