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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Sharron Sample
Medical Marijuana Use Rises Among Women
Dispensary Works, LLC

Medical Marijuana Use Rises Among Women

Medical Marijuana Use Rises Among Women

There is a very wide range of opinions about marijuana use for medical or recreation – from 100% supportive to completely against it. It’s very difficult to navigate the range of information in social media. What we do know, is that it is becoming more the “norm”  in younger people with sharp uptakes in women’s use, and that many derive benefits form its use.

So, why are more women turning to marijuana? What products are trending? What are the perceived benefits of cannabis for women? Of this group, baby boomers seem particularly attracted to CBD products, including face and body creams and bath bombs. Improved health and wellness appear to be significant factors in the rise of cannabis use in popularity among women. In fact, many women are now using marijuana as a routine part of their self-care.

More women are turning to marijuana to relieve chronic pain, soothe aches and pains following a workout, alleviate depression and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and ease the symptoms associated with menopause.

These benefits also made women less likely to use pills for symptom-relief. One study reported that 71% of female cannabis users said that they’ve decreased purchasing of over-the-counter medication, and 35% revealed a decline in prescription drug use. Women are more likely to use cannabis in edible form vs. smoked form.

Some cautionary notes: Smoking clearly can damage lungs. Consuming edibles is safer, but new patients should take low doses to determine the effects. Cannabis today is about 10 times the potency of products of the 1970’s and 1980’s, and too much too soon may result in fall risks or acute anxiety, sometimes even sending patients to the emergency room. 

Any cannabis dispensary should be well educated on their products and answer any questions you may have. Take time to explain what you hope to gain from cannabis and ask to be pointed toward products that may be helpful for you.
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