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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Donald Pelles, PhD
Hypnosis Before Surgery
Hypnosis Silver Spring
. https://www.hypnosissilverspring.com/

Hypnosis Before Surgery

Just one hypnosis session can significantly improve the outcome of a surgery and the healing and recovery afterwards. Numerous studies published in medical journals show that often less anesthesia is needed, operating times are shorter, and patients have fewer complications, less post-operative pain, and heal faster. Hypnosis helps patients feel relaxed and positive in body and mind before, during, and after surgery.

A typical session begins with a hypnotist guiding the patient into a trance state, a state of focused attention, followed by positive suggestions and affirmations regarding the surgical team, the procedure itself, and the outcome, reducing stress and anxiety and predisposing the patient to expect less pain, bleeding, and swelling and to anticipate rapid healing.

The patient is given a post-hypnotic suggestion to be able to take him- or herself back into a hypnotic state by performing some action (touching thumb to one finger) and/or silently repeating a cue-word. The hypnotist usually records the session and the patient given a CD or MP3 file to listen to just before and/or (if it is allowed) during the surgery (this is effective even when total anesthetic is involved).

A medical hypnotist may charge anywhere from $120-200 for a single pre-surgery session. Pre-surgery hypnosis is helpful for all types of operations, from minor out-patient procedures to dental surgery and cancer biopsies to major reconstructions for burn and accident victims. Post-surgery hypnosis is also effective in promoting healing and well-being during recovery.

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