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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Amit Shah, RPh
Herbal Supplements, Are They Safe?
Woodbridge Pharmacy

Herbal Supplements, Are They Safe?

Herbal supplements are a type of dietary supplement which are used for their natural properties for a variety of reasons such as flavor, scent, or potential therapeutic effects. Herb, as the name suggests, is a plant or part of a plant used for its properties. Any part of a plant including stem, root, flowers, seeds, leaves or bark are called herbs.

The most common question any consumer has is, “Are herbal remedies safe?” The answer depends on individual health, type of medications they are prescribed and allergies to natural substances. Most herbs that are derived naturally are safe to ingest, but there are certain drug interactions and adverse effects one needs to be aware of before consumption. Most of the common allopathic medications are derived from medicinal plants such as digoxin, from foxgrove plants for the heart; Reserpine from the Indian snakeroot plant to reduce blood pressure; Daffodil bulbs are used to make galantamine, a drug used for Alzheimer's; and list goes on.

Herbal supplements have gained popularity in recent years for their effectiveness and low cost to treat disease. However, the danger of taking herbal medicine without consulting with the healthcare provider such as a pharmacist or physician can lead to sometimes fatal results. Below is a short list of the most commonly used herbal supplement with known or suspected adverse effects.

The word “natural” does not always means safe and just like any medicine or supplement, if taken as directed, there will be fewer side effects. Remember to always read the label and consult your health care provider before taking any supplement for the first time.

For more information, please visit www.fda.gov for the complete listing of various herb supplements fact sheets.

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