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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Happy New Year 2017
Happy Hour Yoga Center
. http://happyhouryoga-reiki.vpweb.com

Happy New Year 2017

The New Year is here, and our country is currently going through a lot of changes. Change can create an uneasy feeling a feeling of instability, and change from familiar to what is unfamiliar can even cause depression, anxiety and stress. Sometimes change is needed in order for us to move and grow.

As we adjust to these changes, we may feel some reluctance in our future, some uncertainty, and we may even feel a lot of fear. However, we should always have faith in the powers to be.

As we move forward as a people, country, and nation, we can adopt the attitude of trust, hope, and faith. We can create personal resolutions for 2017 resolutions that are made from the heart, with intention, conviction and with emphasis will manifest.

We manifest what we desire with our thoughts, words and actions. “So as a man think, so it shall be.” You create from your thoughts. Thoughts are not good or bad they are just thoughts.

It is the intentions of your thoughts that create the positive or negative, the good or not so good.

R Resolve, the resolves you make at the beginning of the year is bound to manifest by 2018. Resolves are made with intentions. When making a resolve, keep it short, positive and say it inwards or out with intention from the heart center.

E Enough of the false promises to the self. Be true to yourself.

S Stop setting yourself up for failure make realistic goals

O Open your heart, ears, and eyes. Open your heart to love and be loved; open your eyes see your beauty your truth; open your ears and hear the sound of the melody of your voice, and your breathing.

L Love yourself, treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. Show them how to treat you by the way you treat and respect yourself.

U Useless rhetoric is just that useless. What do you say to yourself? How do you talk to and about you?

T Truth is the answer. No matter how difficult it may seem to be. Truth is short and simple. Lies are complicated and entangling.

I Interpersonal relationships are just that inter-personal. It's about you and a relationship with yourself.

O Only you can change; no one can change you, but you. However, you will have to want to desire too.

N Now is the time, the moment to be conscious and aware of your thoughts behavior and actions.

Have, with intent, a healthy, happy, prosperous, safe, 2017. Sat Nam.

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