Performance Family Chiropractic
2N 2nd Street
Laurel, MD 20723
(301) 362-9252
More Complementary & Integrative Healthcare Articles
Give Alternative Health Care a Try
What do you do with pain? Many people suffer with undiagnosed yet treatable pain. They don't really want to take drugs, definitely do not want surgery, but who does? Where to begin?
Realize that pain is your body's way of telling you there is something wrong and you need to address the problem. It's telling you to “stop that,” whatever you're doing that is increasing the intensity of pain. Self-medicating or continuing with home remedies may not be fix the problem and only block the pain. This may lead to further damage to the area once the medication wears off. Seek professional help to determine the cause of your condition, how bad it is and how to treat it.
Many Americans think they have to determine the professional help they seek by who is on their insurance plan. A non-human, impersonal corporation allows you to see only those they choose to name on their lists. These professionals may not necessarily be the best qualified to diagnosis and successfully treat your condition. Not all doctors are the same, even within the same profession. So, how do you choose?
All doctors should be recommending other professionals including alternative health care. Remember that millions of Americans seek alternative health care every day. Not only do they see these highly educated professionals,they pay us and then come back again. Ifyou have ever chosen a less than adequate person in a profession, you didn'tquit the profession, youfound a new person more qualified. Do this with alternative health care professionals as well.
How to choose an alternative health care professional
Ask friends, family, primary care physicians, people you trust to recommend a chiropractor, massage therapist, or acupuncturist.
How did this professional make you feel at your first meeting?
The word doctor comes from the Latin words docre; “to teach”. Are your health care professionalsteaching you?
Ask the health care professionalyou choose what continuing education classes he/she has taken. Are the health care professional's choicesin education similar to your problem?
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