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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Laina Poulakos, Owner
Garlic and Lemon Balm
Mother's Nature Aromatherapy

Garlic and Lemon Balm

Herbalism is the use of plants and their parts for medicinal purposes. This includes the study of the plant and its healing properties. The use of plants as medicine has been in practice for thousands of years. For example, the ancient Egyptians used to give their slaves garlic to keep them from getting sick.

There are over 300,000 species of plants that we have identified and many more to discover. They are rich in active compounds that can have a profound affect on human systems. The herbal medicine cabinet is full of wonderful plants that can be useful for so many aliments, from killing bacteria to relaxing the mind and reducing inflammation. Some herbs even have a stimulating effect. Others can activate the body's own immune system to help fight of illness.

There are many ways to use herbs including capsules, teas, extracts, and essential oils. The power in plants is amazing. Nature's medicine cabinet is full of natural helpers.

A great herb for cold and flu season is garlic. It is a strong antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. It also has been shown to improve circulation. Garlic is an easy herb to add to your diet. Adding it to the food you cook adds flavor to many delicious dishes.

Another useful herb is lemon balm, which according to studies that have been done, is generally associated with improvements in mood and/or cognitive performance. It helps relax an over active mind and can help achieve rest. Lemon balm can be found in many herbal teas, so it is easy to enjoy anytime of the day.

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