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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Robert M. Cohl, DC
Common Overuse Sports Injuries
Cohl Chiropractic Center

Common Overuse Sports Injuries

As a practicing Board Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician, many patients coming into our office have overuse injuries (tendonitis/tendinosis) as well as impact injuries (sprains/strains).

New research in the post-graduate program (QA) gives us methodology for a very accurate, quick diagnosis and a very fast correction of many of these medical presentations.

Here are a few tips for a proper evaluation and analysis for common foot and ankle problems. Muscles are the first line of defense in joint protection. Muscles are actively turned on and off by the nervous system. That is why a sports chiropractor always follows the extremity problem back to the spinal cord to look for inhibition or over facilitation of the motor part of the nerve fibers innervating the muscle. Any soft tissue (myofascial) component may be also involved.

In QA we go after the motor inhibition to the muscle. It could be local in the muscle. Resetting the normal activity is performed manually and/or with the Erchonia Cold Laser. If the inhibition is at the nerve root level (spinal), this can be reset with chiropractic adjustments and/or with the cold laser. The same process is performed on extremity joints. We look for abnormal joint fixations and adjust accordingly. The joint receptors are reset and the muscles that support them turn on and fire correctly.

Here are the most common complaints that athletes, as well as all patients, have with the associated dysfunctional muscle that is involved for the foot and ankle problems

Anterior Tibialis Foot drop, stubbing toes, toes catch on the carpet, anterior shin splints.

Posterior Tibialis Flat feet, tired feet, dropped arches, no “spring in the foot”, plantar fasciitis, hammer toes, posterior shin splints.

Peroneus Brevis Origin and insertion injury in inversion ankle sprains, fifth metatarsal and lateral foot problems.

Peroneus Longus Origin and insertion injury in inversion ankle sprains, fibular pain, lateral knee pain, navicular, first cuneiform subluxations

Peroneus Brevis Origin and insertion injury in inversion ankle sprain, lateral foot problems, cuboid and third cuneiform subluxations.

Soleus Take off phase of walking and running, difficulty standing on the toes.

Gastrocnemius Take off phase of walking and running, difficulty standing on toes, knee pain.

Many lower extremity problems diagnosed as posterior and anterior shin splints, foot pronation problems, Achilles tendinitis/tendinosis, plantar fasciitis, tarsal tunnel syndrome, always have multiple foot and ankle joint fixations and muscle inhibitions. These factors have to be addressed early on in the rehabilitation program. Using manual muscle testing and other techniques according to the guidelines taught in Applied Kinesiology (AK) and QA we can correct the cause and get you back on track very quickly.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130