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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Joelle Van Over, C-IAYT
Back Pain Problems Benefit From Yoga
Beloved Yoga

Back Pain Problems Benefit From Yoga

Your body has the innate ability to heal itself. However, when under stress or in poor health, your body does not have the energy needed to effectively accomplish this. Reiki is a complementary healing modality that gives you tools and techniques to regain and reclaim health and wellness.

Reiki balances the body to assist and accelerate healing. It is effective for reducing stress, anxiety, and pain; balancing organs, glands and systems; lowering blood pressure and so
much more.

During a session a certified Reiki practitioner goes through a series of hand positions held slightly above or lightly on the body, starting at the shoulders and head and then moving on to the abdomen, back, legs and feet. The person receiving a treatment always remains fully clothed and can be either seated or reclined. During and after a session you might notice warmth or coolness. You will likely feel more relaxed, less anxious, and more at peace.

Doctors, surgeons, nurses, chiropractors, massage therapists and sports trainers endorse and utilize Reiki in clinical settings, hospitals and operating rooms internationally. One study, done in an adult day center for individuals with dementia, found that participants who received Reiki treatments twice a week for a month were more relaxed, experienced less pain, engaged more with others and were generally happier after the trial.

Reiki empowers you to easily and actively participate in your own healing. It is a safe, natural way to enhance and accelerate your body's ability to heal itself.
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