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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Carol Burbank, PhD, RMT
Assess Yourself Take a Step Forward
Carol Burbank, PhD

Assess Yourself Take a Step Forward

You're sitting in that office, flipping through this publication, wondering where you fit into everyone's great plans for your new life, aren't you? I know the feeling I do it every time I try to find a solution for that messy, unglamorous and uniquely fabulous process I call “meeting my goals!” Here's a simple tool, a game even, to find your feet in the journey, and take that next step forward into healthy habits.

Answer each question, in writing or in your head. There are no wrong answers. Ready?

1. What's the first thing that comes to mind to fill in this sentence “If I could just ———-, my life would be so much better!

2. Name three things you've done to move towards that change.

3. Name three things you've had a hard time doing to move towards it.

4. Name one person who has helped you move forward.

5. Name one person you feel is not helping.

6. Think about the last month. How did you help yourself meet this goal? (No matter what how small the step, give yourself credit where credit is due.)

7. If you were to take one small action today that would lead you forward, what might it be? (Remember, small!)

8. So do it. And give yourself a reward. What's that reward going to be? (It should be something really fun, by the way!)

Move through these questions when you feel stuck. Skip the ones that make you feel more stuck. Make up your own questions, too. You're the one who knows how you tick, what you want, what you know, what you need to know, and why you want what you want. You can do it whatever it is.

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