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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Felicia M. Nesbit, DDS, PC
Amalgam Fillings Controversy
Nesbit Center of Dental Excellence

Amalgam Fillings Controversy

Most people are not aware that silver amalgam fillings contain 50% mercury. The AmericanDental Association states that these filling are safe. Dental amalgam is banned in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The European Commission has recommended phasing out dental amalgam use. The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology(IAOMT) is very concerned about the adverse health effects from mercury fillings.

Dentists that are concerned about amalgam fillings will not place them, and they may follow a special protocol for removing amalgam fillings from teeth, so no mercury vapor is inhaled by the patient. They may also utilize a special mercury separator that prevents the release of mercury into the environment.

According to the IAOMT, dental offices are the largest contributor of mercury to municipal waste water treatment plants in the U.S.
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