Acupuncture Clinic of Maryland
11125 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 881-7866
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Acupuncture For Muscle Spasms
Muscle spasms and cramps can be very painful for many people. They are symptoms of involuntary contractions of the muscles. Common areas affected are the neck, back, shoulders, hands, legs, thighs, as well as the abdomen.
Night or day, active or inactive, sitting or standing, muscle spasm may occur. Even healthy people may have muscle spasms from time to time during their life, but the senior citizens will have this problem more often than young people.
In the early onset of an injury, patients feel tightness around the muscle area. If that area does not heal or heal improperly, after a few days or a few weeks the muscle knots and becomes very painful. A diagnosis is sometimes difficult to obtain. The medical term for a muscle knot is myofascial trigger point, which is similar to the acupuncture ASH point.
In acupuncture theory, there are many reasons for muscle spasm, such as yin and yang energy imbalance, limited blood supply to the local muscle area, lack of exercise, improper activities, lack of potassium in diet, vitamin deficiencies, as well as different injuries and many chronic diseases.
Some patients with a history of muscle spasms have lifted or pushed something too heavy and the muscle fibers have tore, causing bleeding into the tissue. They may have injured the nerves as well. The patient may not realize why they are in so much pain. In addition, the tearing of ligaments around the joint is called a sprain, which can cause severe pain around that area. If the case gets worse, patient can be temporary disabled.
Muscle spasm may be produced by nerve irritation from muscle strains and sprains, and by neurological disorders not related to the injuries. They may follow strokes or spinal injuries.
Whatever the cause of muscle strains or muscle spasms, acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for relieving the pain. Some patients experience considerable relief after the first treatment. Some other patients may need many treatments for lasting relief.
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