Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Importance of Vision & Eye Care

When health surveys ask, “What are your most worrisome health fears?”, the answer is often, “loosing my vision”. Yearly eye examinations are the best way… Continue Reading

Macular Degeneration The Growing Epidemic

As the leading cause of blindness for those aged 55 and older in this country, age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) affects more than 15 million Americans…. Continue Reading

Red's Not My Color

“Red's not my color, for eyes that is” one allergy sufferer exclaimed as she sat in my office. Thanks to the effective allergy treatments now… Continue Reading

Age and Fertility -" What Every Woman Should Know

While men create sperm throughout their adult lives, women are born with a finite number of eggs, approximately 1- 2 million. In the average girl,… Continue Reading

360 Makeover Find Your Balance

Part 2 Rejuvenating Your Eyes Non-Invasively Every now and then, a patient turns poet during a consultation with me. Its invariably to recite that old… Continue Reading

Acupuncture Helps Osteoarthritis Of Knee and Hip

More than 30 million Americans suffer from arthritis. Arthritis can make life miserable. It always causes pain and limits movement. It is often treated with… Continue Reading

Tips When Considering Hearing Aids

The decision to buy hearing aids is a big one. The more informed one is about the process, the more smoothly it will go. People… Continue Reading

Eating and Aging

I dont know about you, but it is frightening to consider that my memory and my thinking ability may well decline as I age. So,… Continue Reading

Disability & the Inability To Work -" Before Filing a Disability Claim

I am often asked the same questions by many people considering a disability claim Am I disabled if I cannot do my old job? Am… Continue Reading

Concerned About Your Paren'ts Estate?

Estate planning and elder law firms often hear from children who are concerned that their parents may not have an estate plan in place. The… Continue Reading

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