Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Preparation For Health Needs

Each of us faces illness from time to time. We can and should do what we can to prevent illness. However, we also can prepare… Continue Reading

Orthodontic Goals Then and Now

Orthodontics became the first specialty of dentistry in 1900s. Since then, orthodontic treatment has dramatically changed. Modern advances with materials, manufacturing and computers now allow… Continue Reading

Getting Your Fruits and Vegetables

Many dietitians suggest that consumers begin their grocery shopping trip by walking around the perimeter aisles of the store. Why the perimeter you ask? That… Continue Reading

Permission To Take Care of Yourself

Our society is not very good at giving us permission to take care of signs that come up before illness hits. We always seem to… Continue Reading

Advances In Hearing Devices – Part 2 of 2

Part 2 of 2 You are not alone, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Barbra Streisand, singing icon, movie star and political activist, and actor, William… Continue Reading

Cleaning Your Teeth and Gums

Many of the foods you eat cause the bacteria in your mouth to produce acids. Sugared foods, such as candy, are not the only culprits…. Continue Reading

Get a Flat Tummy

The rectus abdominus is the muscle of the mid stomach that holds it all in. This muscle gets bumps and is often referred to as… Continue Reading

Understanding Your Health Coverage

Back in the day, our parents or grandparents had to pay out of pocket for their health care. For most people, health care was a… Continue Reading

Cosmetic Surgery That Celebrates Your Ethnicity

Enhancing appearance through cosmetic surgery transcends age and ethnic backgrounds. Years ago people had valid concerns about changes that might negatively impact their ethnic heritage…. Continue Reading

Gymnasts Prepared to Participate

I just returned from a week of volunteer work in New Orleans that included gutting houses, hanging sheetrock, and painting new houses for Habitat for… Continue Reading

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