Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

5 Things To Keep You Healthy This Winter

Here it comes cold season. Do what you can this year to keep you and your family healthy. These simple preventative measures easily fit in… Continue Reading

In the Midst Of Winter

Already I hear the trepidation of the upcoming winter or downturn in the earth's energy. The Christmas season holds us at bay for a while… Continue Reading

Concussions Don't Let It Go To Your Head

There are over two million sports and recreation concussive injuries annually in the United States. This is likely a huge underestimation. A concussion is a… Continue Reading

As Beautiful As You Can Be

There's a lot of hype out there about who and what is beautiful in men and woman. If we pay attention to the external standards,… Continue Reading

Develop Your Brain Through Exercise

Most kids love to move. All children should be encouraged to move, especially those children who are timid or uncomfortable with maneuvering their bodies. Movement… Continue Reading

Top 5 Dental Procedures For a Beautiful Smile

Are you self-conscious about your smile? A healthy smile contributes more than just beauty; it is a vital component of good overall health. Every day… Continue Reading

Standing Firm For Your Health

It's been nearly one year since the controversial 2009 United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendation that women have screening mammography only between the… Continue Reading

Diabetic Retinopathy What You Should Know

November marks National Diabetes Awareness Month. It's a reminder that more than 23.6 million children and adults in the United States 7.8% of the population… Continue Reading

Orthodontics For All Ages

What Is Orthodontics? Orthodontics (also referred to as dentofacial orthopedics) is a specialized form of dentistry, focusing on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental… Continue Reading

Supplements It's All About Perspective

There was an article in the September 2010 issue of Consumer Reports entitled The 12 Most Dangerous Supplements. As a nutritional supplement manager and buyer,… Continue Reading

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