Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Spirit The Key To True Holistic Wellbeing

Holistic health practitioners like to emphasize the importance of taking care of the mind, body and spirit. While it is common to hear about how… Continue Reading

Your Rhythm

Rhythm is the pattern of regular or irregular pulses caused in music by the occurrence of strong and weak melodic and harmonic beats. The physical… Continue Reading

Impingement Syndrome

Impingement syndrome, or subacromial impingement syndrome, is one of the most common shoulder impairments. It can be caused by degeneration of or overuse injury to… Continue Reading

Latest Body Contouring Technology

So many people are interested in reducing fat and slimming their bodies they are actively looking for the best option the safest, and fastest. There… Continue Reading

Breast Cancer & the Chemical Toxin Link

Could long term exposure to chemical toxins be the cause of breast cancer? About 60 years ago everything was pretty much natural, then along came… Continue Reading

Repetitive Strain Injuries

Edwin, a 34-year-old housepainter living in Maryland, had done it almost every morning without thinking. He put his watch on his wrist and maneuvered the… Continue Reading

Finding Fitness Where You Are

Integrating physical fitness and wellness into your life consistently can sometimes be a challenge. You may feel that if you don't get to the gym… Continue Reading

An Oncology Setting That Fits Your Needs

Part One First of all, if you live in the Washington Metropolitan area you are very lucky your options are numerous and quite good across… Continue Reading

Natural Breast Augmentation From Consultation to Recuperation

Natural breast augmentation refers to breast augmentation using patient's own fat to restore deflated breast or small breast. It is the “au naturel” approach, more… Continue Reading

Living In a Toxic World

Despite major efforts, our food supply, drinking water, soil, and air are becoming increasingly contaminated with toxic chemicals. A toxin is any substance that is… Continue Reading

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