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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Mimi Quade, Owner
Breast Cancer & the Chemical Toxin Link
Fran's Nu Image
. http://www.fransnuimage.com/

Breast Cancer & the Chemical Toxin Link

Could long term exposure to chemical toxins be the cause of breast cancer? About 60 years ago everything was pretty much natural, then along came the chemical revolution bringing along with it a massive increase of about every existing modern day disease known to mankind, such as cancers, asthma, and immune system disorders such as ITP disorder, MS, Lupus etc. Sixty years ago these diseases were not common.

A new survey of scientific evidence conducted by researchers working with the Breast Cancer Fund makes a very compelling case that the industrialized world's rising breast cancer rate may stem from exposure to radiation and chemicals in plastics, pesticides, cosmetics and other common household goods. Women are especially at risk because they are the ones taking care of their homes.

Toxins are poisonous chemicals that are placed in products and toiletries that we use every day. From household cleaners to body care products, toxins are everywhere. These products contain chemicals like formaldehyde and dioxins. They are disbursed in the air we breathe and absorbed into our skin. Because we live in such tight homes, there is no way for these chemical poisons to escape. And when we use personal care products, our skin acts as a sponge and absorbs all of the toxins. Even when we shower, our skin happily soaks up the chlorine in the water and it absorbs chemicals from the clothes we wear.

These toxic chemicals weaken our immune system and cause acute inflammation of the body, which slows the body's ability to fight off germs. Our toxic load makes it take longer for the body to fight off a cold or the flu. Toxins can also trigger many of our immune system disorders such as ITP, MS and Lupus.They are suspected of being a major contributing factor to cancer, especially breast cancer.

Over the last 20-30 years, as more and more unregulated toxic chemicals have been introduced in greater amounts, the level of toxins stored in fatty tissues has increased dramatically. It is acknowledged that this accumulation can be stored in our bodies for life. The long term consequence is a toxic body with an extremely compromised immune system because it was never designed to handle such a toxic chemical load. This load eventually destroys our body's health. Then comes disease.

Get rid of all the toxic chemicals and see if it makes a difference. Only you can take action personally for your health!

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