Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Seated Massage Convenient and Effective

Seated massage is a quick and effective way of doing massage that has a surprising array of benefits. A 10-minute massage may not be the… Continue Reading

Exercise and Obesity

How many of us made another New Year's resolution about weight loss? According to recent studies, there are currently 58 million overweight Americans. If obesity… Continue Reading

Advances In Breast Augmentation

Every day, you make decisions that affect the way you live. Some choices depend on the moment, like the clothing, hairstyle and perfume you’ll wear… Continue Reading

Preparing for Your Cosmetic Surgery Consultation Step 2

In the previous article, the factors that are important in selecting a plastic surgeon for your cosmetic surgery consultation were discussed. Good sources of referral… Continue Reading

Soy Benefits Women and Men

Today, American women are struggling to stay healthy due to high stress combined with poor nutritional choices and inactivity. Consequently, many women are experiencing increased… Continue Reading

Oh, My Aching Back

Back pain affects an estimated 80% of the population. It's second only to the common cold for lost time at work. An intervetebral disc rupture… Continue Reading

Permanent Cure For Painful Flatfoot

Hyperpronation (flatfoot) is a very common condition of excessive motion of the rear foot that causes the appearance of a collapsed arch upon weight bearing…. Continue Reading

Karl A. Smith, DDS, MS

Dental Implant Technology Can Help You Regain Your Smile

Single-tooth implants can be used in people who are missing one or more teeth. An implant is surgically placed in an opening that is made… Continue Reading

An Update On CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia)

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is the most common leukemia in the western world. At diagnosis, 80% of the patients are in the asymptomatic phase (stage… Continue Reading

Acupuncture For Poor Circulation

Poor circulation occurs frequently to the elderly, but even young and middle aged people can have poor circulation. Our body cannot function without blood. The… Continue Reading

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