Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Trade a Keg For a Six Pack No Implants Required

Wouldn't it be nice to go to the gym or the beach and show off a nice chiseled abdomen even if the endless hours at… Continue Reading

Dental Implants In Oral Reconstruction

For over 60 years, dental implants have been utilized to replace defective or missing teeth. The efficacy of the treatment is beyond dispute, however, the… Continue Reading

Ear Tucking For Children and Adults

Protruding ears are a common complaint among children, parents concerned about their children, and even adults. The problem is not so much that the ear… Continue Reading

Improving Your Self Image

Cosmetic surgery is becoming more popular. Each year, over three million people have surgery to improve their appearance because of people's intimate awareness of their… Continue Reading

Is Insulin Making Me Fat?

Probably. This article will talk about insulin resistance and its related problem called syndrome X or metabolic syndrome. As you probably know insulin is the… Continue Reading

Is It Time To Consider a Probiotic Supplement?

Ah, a healthy gut. When digestion is healthy, it helps the body work in harmony; everything “moves” at the right time, which can also help… Continue Reading

Brain Training Can Help Performance

Biofeedback is a therapeutic technique in which people learn to use body signals to improve their health. Biofeedback is non-invasive and involves no medication; instead,… Continue Reading

Sleep Apnea and Pain Management Oral Systemic Balance

During Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), the tongue and jaw muscles progressively relax as we move into deeper and deeper and more restful sleep. This leads… Continue Reading

New Virginia DUI Policy

Virginia is enforcing a new regulation that cracks down on drunk driving. First-timers will now face a tougher penalty the installation of ignition interlock devices…. Continue Reading

Three Tips To Help Seniors In Pain

Did you know up to a staggering 88% of seniors suffer from chronic pain? Perhaps the best way to prevent pain tomorrow is to take… Continue Reading

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