Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Treatments For Dental Pain

Many of us have suffered the unpleasant experience of the dreaded toothache. Dental pain is stressful and especially unique, since it has the ability to… Continue Reading

HPV-Induced Oropharingeal Cancer

Over the last two decades the incidence of HPV-induced oropharingeal cancer has greatly increased worldwide. Currently HPV-induced oropharingeal cancer accounts for 35% of all head… Continue Reading

Understanding Lumbar Disc Herniations

Many patients with back pain, leg pain, or weakness of the lower extremity muscles are often diagnosed with a herniated disc. When a disc herniation… Continue Reading

Why Is It Important To Plan While You Can?

Lack of planning can create anxiety and leave your family at risk. Chances are that you have been reading my estate planning articles for over… Continue Reading

Does Your Child Need Glasses?

All parents should be aware of the importance of a comprehensive eye examination for every child by first grade. Obviously a child's education will be… Continue Reading

The Art Of Chiropractic

Curious how chiropractic care can be inserted into your care plan? Wondering how many visits and how frequent should they be scheduled? This is where… Continue Reading

Text Neck A Modern Malady

“Text Neck” is a self-coined phrase to describe stiffness, and neck and upper back pain resulting from hunching over a small electronic device. We've all… Continue Reading

Hearing Through Your Allergies

With warmer patterns across the country and heavy spring rains, plants have more potential to produce pollen into the air to trigger allergy symptoms. Some… Continue Reading

Sunscreen Keep Your Skin From Aging

It is a proven fact that regular and proper use of sunscreen can help prevent skin cancer. However, a recent study has revealed that daily… Continue Reading

Bad Breath Needs To Go

The official term for bad breath is halitosis, but a fancy name doesn't make up for the fact that is a very unpleasant condition. There… Continue Reading

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