Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Acupuncture & Hypnosis

Because acupuncture has been a main form of medical and health treatment for thousands of years in many of the most populated parts of the… Continue Reading

Valentine's Treat For Your Loved One

Valentine's Day is a day celebrating love and affection for one's spouse or sweetheart. The typical gestures of giving flowers and candy with a romantic… Continue Reading

Benefits Of Hypnotherapy

Through the proper use of hypnosis, one has the ability to access the power of the subconscious mind, that place that stores and holds our… Continue Reading

Hearing Loss The Shocking Statistics

Over 36 million American adults have some degree of hearing loss. That is over four times the amount of people who live in New York… Continue Reading

Why Is It So Difficult to Lose Weight?

We have all been on a diet at sometime in our life. We deprive and discipline ourselves for days, weeks and even months to achieve… Continue Reading

Warning Signs Of Dementia

Families should be aware of the warning signs of dementia, including memory loss and personality changes, in order to provide proper elderly care for loved… Continue Reading

Big Toe Impeding Your Progress

Most of us don't realize how much stress we put on our big toe. Every step we take places a force equal to about twice… Continue Reading

Impaired Oral Function and Stress Beyond OSA

People with sleep apnea demonstrated several alterations in craniofacial form (jaw/tongue/throat relationship) that reduces the upper airway dimensions and room for the tongue. This impairs… Continue Reading

Do You Think You Can't Have LASIK?

Over the past 20 years, laser technology has continued to improve. This has allowed more and more people to be considered good LASIK candidates. In… Continue Reading

Understanding HPV

Worldwide, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women and more than 11,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in the U.S. each… Continue Reading

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