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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Douglas J. Corby, Optician and Owner of Annapolis Opticians
Does Your Child Need Glasses?
Annapolis Opticians
. http://www.annapolisopticians.com/

Does Your Child Need Glasses?

All parents should be aware of the importance of a comprehensive eye examination for every child by first grade. Obviously a child's education will be impaired if they cannot see the chalkboard clearly, and they can't tell you because they don't know that they should be seeing better.

Children who need glasses, but don't have them face an even more serious problem than impaired education, some of their visual pathways to the brain may not develop. This becomes a lifetime visual impairment because after about eight years old it becomes impossible to reverse this loss of development.

Fitting glasses to small children can be a challenge for an optician, small round heads and undeveloped noses are difficult to fit, yet it's essential that glasses do fit well or they won't work as needed. Also, small children live in a rough and tumble world and their glasses can get knocked out of adjustment. It may be necessary to get their glasses re-adjusted frequently.

Following an examination by an eye doctor, an optician who is certified by the American Board of Opticianry (A.B.O.C.) and skilled in fitting children would be best able to provide and service the needed glasses.

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