Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!
Karen Clarke-Bennett, DO

Do You Get Up and Move?

Your answer to the question of whether or not you get up and move will determine your future in so many ways. Movement is extremely… Continue Reading

Treating ADHD With Chinese Medicine

Most of our patients don't come into our clinic with ADD or ADHD as their primary motivation for seeking treatment. It is the sort of… Continue Reading

Fight Back Against Belly Fat

Beach season is upon us and we all want to look good in whatever we wear. Keeping the belly in check is a big part… Continue Reading

Good Health, Weight Control and Exercise

This may seem to be an unlikely topic of an eye doctor to author, but maintaining good health habits is good for the eyes as… Continue Reading

The Third Era Of Medicine Begins With a Healthy Weight

A new era of medicine is beginning where patients and physicians alike are thinking differently about health, devoting more energy to preventing disease instead of… Continue Reading

Small Changes Can Make a Big Impact

Does this sound familiar?You fight traffic in the morning, toil at your desk all day (often through lunch) and fight more traffic in the evening.By… Continue Reading

Get Into an Exercise Routine

Feeling motivated to workout every day can be a challenge. Getting into an exercise routine can often be more difficult than simply starting to exercise…. Continue Reading

Ade Adetunji, DPM

Corns and Calluses

Part Two Last month's article focused on the symptoms and diagnosis of corns and calluses. This month's article will focus on prevention and treatment. Prevention… Continue Reading

Karl A. Smith, DDS, MS

What Is a Periodontist? Do I Need To See One? Part One

Part One A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal (gum) disease, and in the placement of dental… Continue Reading

What You May Not Know About Your Diet

Butter is good for you Butter contains many nutrients vital to growth and brain function. Eggs are healthy Eggs provide excellent protein, as well as… Continue Reading

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