Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

PTs Want To Help You Meet Your Health Goals

Celebrating the beginning of a new year has become synonymous with establishing resolutions for the 12 months ahead. Marking the new year with a list… Continue Reading

New Year’s Resolution For Being Healthier

Did you make your New Year’s resolution? Research shows people who make resolutions before the ball drops are 10 times more likely to reach their… Continue Reading

SMART Goals For the New Year

Entering a New Year often brings new resolutions and goals for the upcoming year. This often results in a health kick from the community, however… Continue Reading

Becoming a Hospice Volunteer Can Be Good For Your Health

Flower arranging. Data entry. Playing an instrument. Quilting. Community outreach. These are five of dozens of different ways a retiree can volunteer for a hospice… Continue Reading

Unwrap a Slimmer You This Holiday Season With UltraShape Power

The holiday season brings a lot of joy and excitement. With the aroma of gingerbread and mulled wine wafting through the air, the holiday is… Continue Reading

Feeling Better Through Improved Patterns Of Movement

How is movement produced in the body? The body is complicated, so let’s start with something simpler: how is movement produced in a door? When… Continue Reading

Five Ways To Cope With Holiday Stress

The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy. We want to get together and enjoy the peace of the Winter holidays. Unfortunately for… Continue Reading

Is TMD Causing Your Headache or Jaw Pain?

Temporomandibular disorder (TMJ, TMJD or TMD) is a painful disorder with many symptoms that affects the temporomandibular joint, an area that includes the hinge jaw… Continue Reading

A Growing Concern Is Indoor Air Quality

Due to growing concerns about indoor air quality, it is important to get the air ducts cleaned in homes or businesses periodically. Many homes have… Continue Reading

How To Achieve Beautiful Skin and Healthy Body

Do you want to make some healthy changes to your daily routine? This article focuses on the importance of making informed food choices, physical activity… Continue Reading

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