Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Ringing Ears and Sudden Hearing Loss? Here Are Two Solutions

Tinnitus, Meniere’s syndrome, vestibular labyrinthitis, neuritis, ringing, buzzing, clicking in the ears, or sudden hearing loss can be devastating.  It can cause anxiety, loss of… Continue Reading

Kris Popli, DDS

Laser Dentistry: Why It’s Ideal For Pregnant Women and Diabetics

Dentists typically encourage patients to visit us once or twice a year for teeth cleanings. With biannual teeth cleanings, we can remove harmful plaque and… Continue Reading

Acupuncture and Cancer Care

In its 4,000 year history, acupuncture has been used to treat many illnesses and conditions. By inserting thin, stainless steel needles into points on the… Continue Reading

Skin Cancer: Awareness, Prevention, and Screenings

Good skin care begins with sun protection. Wear moisturizer with sunscreen daily. The best sunscreens are broad-spectrum and SPF 30 or greater. Reapply every two… Continue Reading

Get Your Beautiful Skin Back

Remember when your skin was at its best? The healthy, beautiful skin you remember doesn’t need to be a thing of the past. You can… Continue Reading

Feldenkrais: Movement Is Life

Are you looking to try something new in the exercise world? Maybe, you are in pain and have tried well-known approaches with mixed results. Maybe,… Continue Reading

The Benefits Of Ozone/Oxygen Dental Therapy

During recent decades, ozone has been utilized to successfully cure various diseases, such as circulatory disorders, geriatric disorders, macular degeneration, viral diseases, and cancer. It… Continue Reading

Lice, Scabies and Ringworm – At School

Back to school is a time when children trade in their swimsuits for shoes and start bringing home spelling words and math problems. But sometimes,… Continue Reading

Should You See a Doctor For Acid Reflux?

Gastroesophageal reflux is a physical condition in which acid from the stomach, flows backward up into the esophagus. Over a long period of time, exposure… Continue Reading

Bellafill – The 5 Year Filler

Bellafill® (formerly known as Artefill) is an injectable wrinkle filler that provides long lasting wrinkle correction. The body absorbs other fillers and requires frequent repeat… Continue Reading

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