Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

It is estimated by the CDC that one in three American adults have high blood pressure (HBP). This is important as having high blood pressure… Continue Reading

Sleep Apnea and Impaired Oral Function: How Dentistry Relates to Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes

The body prioritizes for its survival, as illustrated in the CPR (cardio-pulmonary-resuscitation) sequence of airway (A), breathing (B) and circulation (C). This sequence is active… Continue Reading

What Are My Options After Open Enrollment?

If you didn’t get your health coverage during 0pen enrollment there are still options. There are few companies that provide good health coverage year round…. Continue Reading

High Blood Pressure and Hypertension: New Significant Information

Hypertension is often called the silent killer since it does not have many symptoms thus the best way to find out if you have high… Continue Reading

Jennifer Wong, Principal Broker & Owner (DC, VA, & MD)

Top 5 Steps To Get Started On Downsizing

With the new year upon us it’s a time where we reflect on the year past and make goals for the future. For seniors, one… Continue Reading

The Steps To Achieving Good Health

Good health needs to be a multi-phase approach.  There is no one thing, no pill, no exercise, no diet that will do it all.  Achieving… Continue Reading

New Year, New You The Benefits Of Therapy

Every year we make new resolutions and set new goals that we hope to achieve throughout the year.  We sign up for appointments and establish… Continue Reading

The Many Benefits Of St. John’s Wort

St. Johns Wort is rich in color and history. You can identify it by its beautiful yellow flowers and its health benefits have been known… Continue Reading

Parents: Link To Healthy Self-Esteem For Kids

How we view ourselves shapes much of our lives and the decisions that we make. The view we hold of ourselves impacts our relationships, decision-making,… Continue Reading

The Psychology Behind Losing Weight

It is estimated that over 45 million Americans will go on a diet this year. Also, Americans spend over $33 billion (that’s right, billions of dollar)… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130