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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Laina Poulakos, Owner
The Many Benefits Of St. John’s Wort
Mother's Nature Aromatherapy

The Many Benefits Of St. John’s Wort

St. Johns Wort is rich in color and history. You can identify it by its beautiful yellow flowers and its health benefits have been known since the ancient Greeks. It is used to treat depression, anxiety, PMS, and menopause. It works to treat many nerve issues and as a great tenure for acne and external wounds. For over 2000 years it has been used as a medicinal herb for its antidepressant properties. It can also be helpful in relieving addictive behaviors.

In recent studies, it has been proven to help prevent some cancers and can protect against viral infections. It can soothe and reduce inflammation of the nervous system. When applied to the skin, it is also great at healing wounds and acne.

It is one of the most studied herbs in the scientific community. It can be taken as an herbal supplement, a tincture and/or tea. Keep in mind that it does have some side effects such as dizziness, fatigue and nausea. It can also increase sensitivity to the sun.  More importantly, one should be aware that it might interact with some medications. It is very important to talk with your doctor before you start taking the herb.

With its many health benefits St. John’s Wort is a great herb for your body and mind.
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