Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!
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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Blanca Lopez-Franco, Licensed Health & Life Insurance Agent
What Are My Options After Open Enrollment?

What Are My Options After Open Enrollment?

If you didn’t get your health coverage during 0pen enrollment there are still options.

There are few companies that provide good health coverage year round. Before you choose one make sure to know the exceptions and limitations as well as the renewal and deductibles. Those are key facts that will affect your health and your pocket. Here are two of the best options available, however they are not the only ones:

• UnitedHealthcare® with their short term policies

• USHealth Advisors® with Cigna® PPO with more traditional coverage

For those of you who got insured call your advisor or broker, as they will be the one that will be able to explain and help you to get the most benefits from your insurance. Plan your annual check-up if you haven’t yet. Go into your health care portal and look for your options in finding a primary care physician that best suits your needs.

Your best match is the one that speaks your language and provides you with the right guidance. For instance, for a female adult it is great to have an OB-GYN as your primary doctor. For your children a pediatrician is the best option and for an adult male, an intern.

When looking for a doctor pay attention to reviews and comments. Check if they are willing to submit your claims or if you have to pay up front. This is very important because usually when you have insurance you will be able to get a discount through the insurance.

If the doctor is in the network and is not willing to submit your claim you may not be able to get your discount and it may be better to look for someone else. You are already paying enough between your monthly premium and deductible to also lose your discounts.

When looking for a dentist use the same criteria as searching for your physician.

Always call in advance and ask if they are in the network and how they handle the claims and discounts.

Next month we will be talking about health insurance and taxes.

To be continued…

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