Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

What Is a Recovery Coach?

When someone is addicted to drugs and alcohol a professional coming to the home can be the key to preventing relapse. The advantage is that… Continue Reading

Look Your Best: New Lasers and the Latest No-Downtime Procedures

How do you view midlife? If you’re like most members of this generation, you probably have every expectation that the second half of your life… Continue Reading

Do You Like Your Smile?

It’s 2020 and it has never been a better time to achieve the healthy, beautiful smile you deserve and want. Due to advances in dental… Continue Reading

Inflammation and Disease Connection

Disease of the heart, joints, lungs, brain, kidneys, nerves, skin and other organs all have a common symptom – chronic inflammation. This may indicate conditions… Continue Reading

Connection Between Mental Health and Nutrition

Mental health is a term that is used often in our society when talking about issues or challenges that impact our daily functioning. A lot… Continue Reading

The Trauma Trap

Many of us are cleaning out our garages, closets, and basements, getting rid of the clutter and buildup of items that are no longer useful… Continue Reading

Heart, Diabetes, and Autoimmune Diseases: Can They Be Reversed?

Can you reverse heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, and autoimmune diseases? The short answer is yes, if you rethink medicine. The current standard… Continue Reading

Kiss Your Double Chin Good-Bye

Even if you eat right and exercise regularly, it can still be impossible to get rid of a pesky double chin. Some people have always… Continue Reading

Relief To Those With Chronic Lyme Disease With the Power of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

A Yale University researcher in the 70’s first identified that Lyme disease is caused by bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi and spread by the blacklegged tick…. Continue Reading

There Is Hope For Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Prevention and Reduction

Recently many strides have been made to help those with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, which is part of the dementia diagnosis. Although there are many… Continue Reading

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