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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Daphne King, EdD
Connection Between Mental Health and Nutrition
Loudoun Counseling & Coaching, LLC

Connection Between Mental Health and Nutrition

Mental health is a term that is used often in our society when talking about issues or challenges that impact our daily functioning. A lot of time mental illness and mental health are used interchangeably. But what is mental health and what is the connection between mental health and nutrition? How can we maintain good mental health?

According to, mental health is defined as the level of psychological well-being or an absence of mental illness and involves changes in emotion, thinking, or behavior. Mental health involves the effective or healthy functioning in daily activities that result in productive activities, such as in home, family, work, self-care; healthy relationships, and the ability to engage in effective problem solving when faced with change or adversity. When there is distress or problems in functioning, mental illness can develop.

There are many things that can impact mental health, from genetics to medical conditions to how we take care of our bodies – exercise and nutrition. In an episode of the podcast WednesdaysWithTheDoc nutritionist Hilary Stowers from Holistic Health and Nutrition talked about the connection between mental health and nutrition. From that interview there were a few things that connected mental health and nutrition.

One, there is a connection between the gut and brain health. Hilary shared that the brain requires fuel and the foods that we fuel the brain with impacts mood and functioning.

Two, when we fuel our bodies and brain with foods that contain high fructose corn syrup, refined sugars, processed foods, or artificial sweeteners. This leads to an inflammatory diet that exacerbates mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety.

Three, there have been studies linking the standard American diet (SAD) – foods high in refined sugars and artificial sweeteners – to issues with brain functioning and impact on mood. The foods we eat contribute to our mental health and mood disorders.

To maintain good mental health, look at it from a holistic standpoint and offer four things you can incorporate into your daily lifestyle.

1. Get adequate sleep/rest

2. Eat healthy foods that nourish your body – fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy grains, lean cuts of meat, leafy greens, and plenty of water

3. Practice meditation or yoga

4. Exercise

If you are experiencing significant distress in your functioning, seek help from a licensed mental health professional. Remember, the foods you eat impact your brain and mood, thereby affecting your mental health.
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