Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Concussion and Vestibular Rehabilitation

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury which makes it difficult for the brain to function properly. For some people, the effects of a… Continue Reading

Managing Grief During the Holidays

It's holiday time. A time to rejoice and be happy with family and friends. Are you reading this saying “are you kidding me?” Instead you… Continue Reading

Why Vitamin E Oil Should Be Your New Best Friend

Vitamin E oil has many benefits; you may want to consider applying it all the time. You can use it to reduce those leftover summer… Continue Reading

Food and Your Face

There are lots of ways to protect your skin. A nice hat, SPF 15 and up, and avoid tanning beds. But what you put on… Continue Reading

Weight Loss and Maintenance A Program That Works

Two-thirds of Americans are overweight. In most cases of significant weight gain, high blood pressure, adult on-set diabetes and other chronic illnesses will result. Different… Continue Reading

Are You Losing Weight Successfully?

As the new year rolls around, a lot of us begin establishing resolutions. Year after year many people set weight loss and wellness goals, but… Continue Reading

What Is the Big Deal About Gluten?

Why Should I Go Gluten Free? An amazing thirty percent of the American public has or is trying to cut back on gluten intake, so… Continue Reading

Getting Healthy For the Fall Season

One of the advantages of living in Maryland is experiencing the change in seasons. Fall is one of my favorite seasons. The cool, crisp air… Continue Reading

Color Me Healthy

Despite what you might think, regular, everyday foods have all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that you need. Supplements are nice, but not always absorbed… Continue Reading

QA Applications Thyroid Dysfunction Revisited

Chiropractors treat a variety of neuromuscular problems on a daily basis. Neck and back pain are always driven by neurological dysfunction. Numbness and tingling down… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130