Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Five Fun Exercise Resolutions

You begin each year enthusiastically wanting to get back into an exercise routine and then things taper off likely due to lack of motivation, inspiration,… Continue Reading

Managing Holiday Stress

The holidays can be a joyful time, offering a chance to reconnect with friends and family and they can also be very stressful. The holidays… Continue Reading

Diagnosis and Treatment Of Food Allergies

A food allergy is an immune system response to a food that the body mistakenly believes is harmful. Once the immune system decides that a… Continue Reading

What Are Non-Scale Victories?

Your success at weight loss is not measured by the number on the scale alone but also by many other changes to your figure and… Continue Reading

Shedding Pounds To Shed Disease

Did you know that overweight increases your risk of cancer? Gynecological cancers such as ovarian and endometrial cancer, as well as breast cancer, occur significantly… Continue Reading

Your Most Important Habit Of the New Year

Most people have dreams or have dreamed of ways to enrich their life. Whether it is a dream vacation, a stronger relationship with someone dear,… Continue Reading

How To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain The Role Of Calories and Allergens

The average American adult tends to gain one to two pounds during the holiday season. While this weight gain isn’t dramatic, research shows it tends… Continue Reading

How Does the Gastric Bypass Work?

What Is Gastric Bypass? The gastric bypass is considered the gold standard of weight loss surgical procedures. It is intended to help patients that are… Continue Reading

Five Healthy Thanksgiving Tips

For those of us on a journey toward optimal health, the approach of the holiday season presents a mixed batch of emotions. On the one… Continue Reading

Coping With Stress

Heart disease, diabetes and depression can all be managed better by you taking action. By adding exercise, nutritious food and peace of mind to your… Continue Reading

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