Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Women’s Health Physical Therapy: Core, Pelvic Floor and More

Women’s health physical therapy focuses on the unique needs of women throughout their life cycle. The school-aged girl who still wets the bed, the young… Continue Reading

Posture Tips To Help You Move and Exercise Better

Moving properly is harder to do than you think.  In today’s world, there’s a lot of sitting – in traffic, at the computer, in meetings,… Continue Reading

Weight Management: Working With Your Body and Not Against It

The stressors and complexities of today’s society often make it difficult to sustain a healthy body weight. While maintaining a healthy weight has become increasing… Continue Reading

Good Girl Blues

“I am successful, but not with my weight”: Many female clients struggle with compulsive eating and weight issues. While other things in their lives may… Continue Reading

Keep Yourself Looking Great (and Feeling Even Better)

In honor of the arrival of spring, allow me to “spring forward” a bit. Congratulations – you just reached your weight loss goal. You should… Continue Reading

Weight Control Why Can’t People Lose Weight On Their Own?

The statistics are alarming and lead to the United States carrying the dubious title of “Most Overweight Developed Country In The World”. • 70% of… Continue Reading

Complementary and Alternative Methods

Complementary and alternative methods of healthcare, also known as CAM, has not just been a buzz topic for the past couple of years, as history… Continue Reading

Seven Day Weight Loss Detox Program

Throughout life, the body continues to accumulate toxins – from such everyday sources as food, water and the air we breathe. It is impossible for… Continue Reading

Lose Weight and Feel Great

Did you know that when you lose 10% of your body weight, you are instantly healthier? There’s no doubt that dropping weight will make you… Continue Reading

Let’s Have A Conversation About Health: Healthy Digestion

Our organs endure toxic residue from the foods, beverages, drugs and supplements we consume. This inhibits the body’s ability to function to its optimum, resulting… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130