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TMJ and Physical Therapy

The temporomandibular joint (also known as TMJ) is used throughout the day. This joint is located in front of the ear on either side of… Continue Reading

Acupuncture for Pain Low Back, Sciatic, Knees, Shoulders, Neck and Much More

Pain originates from all kinds of imbalances in the body. Common Chinese diagnoses include Wind in the Channels that cause pain Cold (often accompanied by… Continue Reading

Alleviate Chronic Pain By Addressing the Root Of the Problem

Regain a pain-free body, naturally and holistically, by addressing the root cause of pain your posture. If you or someone you know suffer from chronic… Continue Reading

Prevent and Reverse Chronic Disease

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that “chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis are among the most common, costly… Continue Reading

Cutting Edge In Migraine Treatment

A new procedure that uses minimally invasive surgical techniques offers hope to people who have long suffered debilitating pain in their heads. Millions of Americans… Continue Reading

Treating Seasonal Allergies With Acupuncture

With spring's sunshine and flowers come wind and pollen, which for many people signals the onset of allergy season. Tree pollens are the most prevalent… Continue Reading

Joint Pain Can Affect Any Part Of the Body

Many conditions, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatism, or other injuries, can lead to joint pains. Joint pains can affect any part of the body from neck… Continue Reading

Hip Resurfacing Surgery

For the last three and a half years Manuel Rosette had been having pain in his lower back. His doctors ordered a low back magnetic… Continue Reading

Summer Activity Staying Safe

Summer is here again. That means pools, sunshine, and other outdoor activities. It's important to get moving instead of hiding in the air conditioning all… Continue Reading

What Can You Do For Your Body?

It is a true reality that health professionals, government officials, the Center for Disease Control, the National Institute of Health, the U.S. Surgeon General and… Continue Reading

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