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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Lynne Schwabe, LicAc, DiplAc
Treating Seasonal Allergies With Acupuncture
Center for Traditional Acupuncture

Treating Seasonal Allergies With Acupuncture

With spring's sunshine and flowers come wind and pollen, which for many people signals the onset of allergy season. Tree pollens are the most prevalent pollens in the spring and we have been seeing extremely high tree pollen counts in our area. Runny nose, sneezing, and watery itchy eyes cause much suffering for many people. Millions of dollars are spent on medications and allergy shots for the treatment of seasonal allergies.

Allergies can be a sign of an imbalance in the immune system. Balancing and strengthening the body can be the best thing to decrease or even rid oneself of seasonal allergies. Acupuncture can help the body come into balance by treating the underlying condition causing allergies and improving overall health, thus leading to long-term health benefits.

Acupuncture may be particularly useful if you are suffering from multiple allergies since it works to quiet the areas of the immune system that are over-stimulated by exposure to multiple irritating factors. In a small but significant study of 26 hay fever patients published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, acupuncture reduced symptoms in all 26 without side effects. A second study of some 72 people, symptoms were totally eliminated in more than half.

Many allergy symptoms are located above the neck, that is, in the head (stuffiness, headache, itchy eyes, etc.). This means the energy is not flowing smoothly from the head into the rest of the body, and vice versa. All the yang meridians flow from the hands up to the head, or from the head down to the feet. We need to open the channels in the neck and shoulders and allow the energy to flow.

While allergies can put a damper on enjoying the best the season holds, there is natural relief for allergy sufferers. In fact, when the body is brought to a higher level of health, we enjoy renewed energy, flexibility and joy of living.

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