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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Leslie Shippee, CNC, Health Coach
Prevent and Reverse Chronic Disease
Center for Traditional Acupuncture

Prevent and Reverse Chronic Disease

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that “chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis are among the most common, costly and preventable of all health problems in the US.” Our health as a nation is declining; our longer lives are filled with sickness, suffering and disability. Alzheimer's, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune diseases as well as the major chronic diseases are on the rise. Healthcare accounts for more spending than any other industry, and the projections have them continuing to rise annually unless we take personal steps to stop this health crisis.

To say that these are “preventable” diseases is a pretty strong statement, one that needs to be heard by each individual and healthcare professional. The World Health Organization and the CDC list these as the main causes of chronic disease

Unhealthy diet and excessive caloric intake

Physical inactivity

Tobacco use

Excessive alcohol use

So the leading cause of death in our country is the effect of behaviors that can easily be changed and modified with education and guidance. Americans spend less of their income on food per household than any other country. The industrialization of food production and the rise of agribusiness to replace the family farm has given us an abundance of cheap denatured corn which has found its way into nearly every food we consume. We are surrounded by foods that are inexpensive, quick to prepare and contain empty calories that are destroying our health.

In a maze of diet books and conflicting dietary recommendations, how do you know what a healthy diet really consists of? Your diet needs to be a way of life, one that works for you in your individual lifestyle. Working together with a health coach or a nutrition professional can help you to define and reach your health goals so that you can “prevent” and often reverse chronic disease.
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