Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

What You Can Do Now To Avoid Chronic Back Pain

Back pain interferes with work, with sporting and social activities, and all aspects of life. Many do not realize the importance of having a strong… Continue Reading

Back Pain Alleviated With Stem Cell and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment

Back pain can dramatically impact a patient's quality of life, from restricting everyday mobility to affecting a person's ability to work. However, biologic regenerative treatments… Continue Reading

Live Positively Well Keep Moving

This month's issue of Your Health Magazine is encouraging us to keep moving. When acting on these suggestions, remember to satisfy one of the most… Continue Reading

McKenzie Exercise and Centralization

Acute low back pain patients are a challenge to say the least. However, a New Zealand physiotherapist, named Robin McKenzie has developed a treatment approach… Continue Reading

Childhood Obesity

The modern day lifestyle has resulted in increased childhood obesity. When children are seriously over weight, this can lead to overweight teenagers and adults. As… Continue Reading

Why My Back Pain Always Seems To Return

One third of American's will suffer back pain this year. Back pain is now cited as the second most common reason people go to a… Continue Reading

Protect Yourself From Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries (SCI) occur when there is a trauma to the spinal cord that is not caused by disease or surgery. This trauma can… Continue Reading

So Why Is the TMJ (Jaw Joint) So Important?

Part One TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint, which is the joint that your jaw hinges and moves within. On top of the jaw bone… Continue Reading

Osteoarthritis and Aquatic Exercise

One of the most common forms of arthritic joint pain is from osteoarthritis (OA). OA can cause a decreased range of motion, which paired with… Continue Reading

Physical Therapy Can Help With Your Fitness Goals

Like most people, you have probably heard that physical activity, including exercise, is good for you. If you're already active, keep up the good work…. Continue Reading

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