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Men – Lost Your Juice?

Do you wake up every morning dragging your feet out of bed? Feeling fatigued, have low desire for sex, cloudy mental sharpness? Have a large… Continue Reading

Treating Varicose and Spider Veins In Men

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that can be blue, red, or flesh-colored. They often look like cords and appear twisted and bulging. They can be… Continue Reading

Loss Of Sex Drive In Older Men

As men age they may notice their sex drive decreases. This is a totally normal phenomenon and should not be cause for concern unless there… Continue Reading

Treatment For Male Infertility

In some severe cases, no treatment is available for male infertility, but many times, treatment provides a cost-effective resolution to the problem that will allow… Continue Reading

7 Minute Office Vasectomy: No Pain, No Fuss, Save Money

Vasectomies are the most effective form of sterilization. A vasectomy is a common surgical procedure whereby the vas deferens – the tubes that carry sperm… Continue Reading

Trauma Impact On Nervous System

Self-regulation is not a learned skill. It is a product of the interactions between the physiological co-regulation of the feelings of safety from and through… Continue Reading

Stress Management

Stress is a physiological response in our bodies that prepare us for fight or flight. When our bodies perceive a threat or a demand, it… Continue Reading

How Men Think About Skin Treatment

Men who might have scoffed at the idea of any cosmetic procedures just a decade ago are now receiving treatments in record numbers. So what… Continue Reading

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