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Your Health Magazine

When to Consult a Trichologist in Australia: Recognizing the Signs

In Australia, renowned for its multiculturalism and vibrant society enriched by diverse traditions and languages, individuals facing hair and scalp problems can turn to specialised… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

Understanding and Embracing Hair Replacement Therapies

What do chemotherapy, stress, and hairstyling products have in common? Hair loss. Exact numbers are all over the place, but it’s estimated that hair loss… Continue Reading

Hair Loss Causes and Remedies

Understanding the Root of the Problem Hair loss can be a distressing experience for anyone, and it is essential to understand the underlying causes and… Continue Reading

Unlocking the Secret To Managing Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss is a common problem that affects both men and women. However, it is not often discussed in women, and it can have a… Continue Reading

Christopher and Devin Rosenthal, Owners/Technicians

What Is Alopecia Areata?

If you are looking for a hair loss solution, it is really normal to feel possibly ashamed or scared or uncertain. You have no need… Continue Reading

Keralase: Emerging Technology In Hair Loss

Hair loss is the most common problem faced by millions of people today. Baldness, hair thinning, damaged hair are some of the major issues of… Continue Reading

Cyclical Nutritional Therapy For Hair Restoration

Patients with hair loss often inquire whether nutritional supplements can help restore hair growth or prevent further hair loss. In fact, many will start dietary… Continue Reading

Living With Alopecia

There are so many different types of alopecia – alopecia areata (when the hair falls out in small patches), alopecia universalis (complete hair loss of… Continue Reading

I Am Not My Hair (Loss)

Recently Ricki Lake opened up about her secret struggle with hair loss. She stated it has been debilitating, embarrassing, painful, scary, depressing and lonely. She… Continue Reading

Heart Burn Medications and Hair Loss

Surprisingly, some medications we use to treat heartburn, and peptic ulcers may contribute to hair loss. Prolonged use of antacids such as calcium carbonate, Tums,… Continue Reading

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