Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Healthy Heart

If you have been diagnosed with heart disease or have been identified by your doctor as having health risks associated with heart disease such as… Continue Reading

My Loved One Has a Drinking Problem

The holidays have come and gone and after all the celebrating is over a new awareness may come to light “I think my loved one… Continue Reading

New Year's Health Resolutions You Can Stick With

The New Year is a great time to take an honest look at your health and make some decisions. Have you been eating enough veggies?… Continue Reading

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), also known as spastic colon or mucus colitis, is a functional disorder of the intestine occurring in the absence of visible… Continue Reading

Consistency In Parenting

In private practice, therapists have worked with many families struggling with a child or adolescent that is exhibiting behavioral problems. Often times this means working… Continue Reading

Invisible Heroes

We have certain parents who are invisible. These are the parents of a child who is severely mentally ill. These parents love this child and… Continue Reading

Home Healthcare For The New Year

New Years is here and a great way to ring it in would be to coordinate with your primary care physician and get the home… Continue Reading

More Choices For Area Health Care Consumers

Ask enough people about the difference between urgent care centers, emergency rooms and primary care offices, and many different perceptions and opinions emerge. It can… Continue Reading

Five Gifts For the Prenatal Child

As the holidays near, our thoughts often turn to gifts for our children. Most pregnant mothers and fathers don't know of gifts they can give… Continue Reading

Don't Panic This Winter

Ebola Ebola is a tropical disease that appears like horrible stomach flu with a lot of bleeding. Affected patients will have fevers, bleeding, vomiting and… Continue Reading

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